Family Heirlooms
Your personal stories are your most precious heirlooms. They’re all unique, and unlike material goods, they’re irreplaceable. Ironically, it’s our physical property we worry most about protecting. Of course there’s nothing wrong with wanting to pass down a piece of jewelry, artwork, or other object that has monetary or sentimental value to us. But it’s the intangible stuff that most deserves safeguarding.
Those stories you share around the kitchen table—the ones you laugh over or reminisce about at family gatherings and other social events—that’s your living history. Often it’s only when we start to forget the little details, or when we lose a family story keeper, that we realize how valuable those stories are.
If you need some advice about preserving your memories, or you have a writing project you’d like to discuss, please reach out to me at I’d love to hear from you.